Critical Thinking
Food and Agriculture
I chose food and agriculture as one of my topics because obesity is a very big (no pun intended) problem within our society and I am always interested in reading more on this subject. The first subtopic that appeared under food and agriculture was a short article titled ‘Obesity: Myths and Realities’. I really enjoyed reading this article because the fact that the government actually has a big part in why Americans are obese. To make a long story short, as many people would follow certain diets, the government guidelines on dietary matters have actually contributed to growing problem of obesity. After reading through the short article, the opportunity to view cited quotes about obesity, as well as click on links which lead to more information were readily available.
Religion and Theology
The topic of religion and theology caught my eye solely for the reason being that i am not a person who is into religion and theology. When I saw this topic I thought it would be a good idea to step outside the box and read into something that I am not very familiar with. Reading about Sharia which means the way or path gave me a great general understanding of the morals of Muslims.
The final topic I looked into was education. Being that my mom is a teacher, my dad works in a school, my sister is a nursery school teacher, and well I go to school education is something that I always like to read more about. I clicked into the subtopic of homeschooling because I recently travelled to Texas and on my plane ride their, I met a young boy who was homeschooled. After hearing all he had to say about being homeschooled and how he did not have friends, I thought about how I really didn’t know too much about homeschooling and how it would be interesting to learn more about it. Some subtopics under homeschooling I enjoyed looking over was why consider homeschooling as well as homeschool college GPA and graduation rates.
student 2 paper
1) History of Feminism Theory and Feminist Thought
Feminism has grown to be a strong movement that advocates for the equality of women in society. Throughout history, there have been major periods during which feminist activity was especially strong. Each of these "waves" of activism worked to gain more rights and equality for women of all kinds. The first wave of feminism began in the 18th century, and lasted until the 20th century. during this movement, women across the country fought for the ability to own property, live independently, and partake in other political and social activities, such as voting. The second wave of feminism took place in the 1960’s, and the main focus during this time was to end all socail discrimination between men and women. Feminists were able to gain a more extensive argument, because they were able to use the dtails of the past feminism movement as fuel for their arguments. In addition, they worked to create more legitimate laws that banned men from harrassing women. The last wave of feminism began in the 1990’s, and it came about as a response to the results of the second wave. Althought, by this time, women have definitely made significant progress towards the underlying goal of equality, there was still soem opposition to some of the concepts that were present in society. Overall, the three waves of feminism have proved to give much hope to women today, and for the future.
2) What is Prudence?
The virtue of prudence can be described as the ability to make wise and clear decisions after cautiously becoming aware of all of the options. In this article, the author described a scenario involving a boy who was tempted to cheat in class, in order to accurately depict the presence of prudence. In the situation, the boy has the ability to cheat on his exam, however he decides against it because he realize that it is not morally acceptable. this shows that the boy values prudence, because he chooses to do the right thing, even if doing the wrong thing may benefit him in a way, in the future. Being prudent is critical, because it shows that one is aware of the difference between good and bad. By being prudent, one is demonstrating good decision making, and that he may have high standards and values in life.
3. Obesity: Myths and Realities about Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Today’s society seems to revolved around the idea of a perfect image. There seems to be some obsession with looking and feeling a certain way. The government and media play very large roles in implementing this view. For example, the government has released numerous different programs and agencies dedicated towards promoting eating healthy and exercising regularly. However, research on obesity has shown that these tactics may not be the best approach towards a “slimmer” society. It is important to note that in the government taking a part in this movement, more problems are actually being created, rather than addressed
Example of comments) I totally love what you said about each topic, I found most of the topics on the website to be really cool anyway. I loved your response for the three topic you have chosen, I also wanted to do the paper on obesity since I can some what relate to the topic. I found the small paragraph you wrote to be very true, today as a society we totally revolve around the idea of the perfect image. Good luck in what ever you change.