Criminal Justice
How well did you cover the topic and use your resources?
Were the sources used quality, did they sustain your arguments and
The American Psychological Association formatting is widely available online. Please refer to the follow resources:
There is also software available to assist with citation and bibliography creation with Mendeley, EndNote, or RefWorks. Mendeley is freely available to all persons and is very powerful. If you are not familiar with this software, now is a wonderful time to learn. Mendeley is highly recommended.
RefWorks Link:
Bibliography: The bibliography needs to include any citations you use or references to the work of others. When in doubt, cite it. There is an excellent article on the library site regarding plagiarism, what it is and how to avoid it. The specific number of references is not defined for this paper, but you are expected to do the research and discovery and cover your topic thoroughly. Learning and practicing this will set you apart from the majority of the population in terms of your ability to seek and present information.
Sources: Sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles first and foremost. These articles have been judged a benefit and contribution to the body of knowledge by experts in the particular field of study. The journals will also contain the bibliography of the research done prior, allowing you a quick and easy way to find more articles for your own paper. Conference proceedings are the second most valuable in terms of source quality. These are papers entering peer review but not yet published. Thesis and dissertations from graduate students are also allowed. These are all excellent sources of the most recent and up to date research and ideas. Books should be used sparingly.
Notes: 1. Websites, magazines, trade journals and newspapers should not be used at
all for this paper.
2. No block quotes will be accepted (quoted material of more than 40 words).
3. No more than 10% of the paper should be direct quotes.
Below is a list of journals which you may use to begin your search. If you need more assistance, please utilize the library as a resource, these individuals are very knowledgeable and have mastered library science. Journals for Criminology and Corrections:
• Justice Quarterly
• Journal of Criminal Justice Education
• National Institute of Justice Journal
• Corrections Compendium
• Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
• Remember that CRCJ has a specialized librarian: John Dillard ( 817.272.7518