Corporate Social Responsibility
While various businesses may define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in different ways, a generally agreed upon definition is that CSR is the act of conducting business in a way that considers the welfare of society. On a micro-level, CSR allows a business to contribute to the wellness of the community in which it resides. This could include donation of services or goods, partnership with a charitable organization, adjustment of policies out of concern for the local environment, and implementation of procedures that create an ethically aware workforce. Being active in the local community has the potential to greatly benefit the reputation of a company if the practice is implemented properly. However, involvement with a controversial issue or group may severely harm the company. In a weak economy, CSR is still important, though companies will likely prefer low and no cost CSR programs.
The website may be useful in providing you with additional information on CSR.
Assignment Scenario
Assume you work for a company of your choice. As an employee of your selected company, you have been tasked with proposing a new low or no cost CSR program. This must be a new program at the company.
You have been told this program needs to address an issue occurring in the local area and have a logical connection to your company.
You need to justify why this issue is worthy of the company’s involvement, show how this issue has a logical connection to your company, and thoroughly explain how the program will operate and be implemented.
Memo Abstract & Company Profile
In one paragraph, inform your lab professor of the following:
o Your selected company (choose the company headquarters)
o A community issue that is logically connected to the company’s product, service, or mission (make sure the community issue is local to the company’s headquarters)
o Your proposed program and what makes it low or no cost
This deliverable exists to encourage you to start the assignment early in the semester. You may change your topic later if need be; however, make sure to share any topic changes with your professor.
Company Profile:
Identify what company you have selected, including (using bullet form for this portion is appropriate):
o Company’s website (include URL)
o Company’s mission statement
o What the company does exactly
o Where the company is located
o Does the company offer any similar programs to the one you are proposing, and if so, what?
o The name of the person(s) in charge of any CSR programs at the company
o Any other relevant information (e.g., are they publicly or privately held, etc.)
Draft 2
This should be a substantial and revised draft; be sure to address the comments from the peer reviews on Draft 1. Although you are encouraged to use memo format and incorporate research at this stage, you will not be graded on format or research for this draft. Again, the more you offer at this stage, the more feedback you will receive.
This is an opportunity for your lab professor to ensure you are on the right track and to offer you feedback and recommendations. This Memo Draft 2 should be a polished draft; do not ask your lab professor to read and respond to a draft that has not been proofread and edited at least twice.
One hard copy is required on the Memo Draft 2 due date. If you fail to bring one copy, you will not receive credit for the Memo Draft 2.