Computer sciences and Information technology HGPS Interface

Computer sciences and Information technology HGPS Interface


Project description

1: define and apply relevant theory to the process of determining a user needs analysis for a specific target application
Prepare a short critical exploration of your chosen area of interaction and usability. This should be approximately 500 words in length, and use no less than six academic journal articles.
User Needs Analysis

In partial fulfilment of Learning Outcome 1: define and apply relevant theory to the process of determining a user needs analysis for a specific target application.

Based on the secondary research, present a full and relevant user profile, task analysis ( for the current system or method of achieving the goals ) and environmental analysis. The user profile and task analysis should derive from your secondary research (the reading that you have done) and relate to your chosen system; generic creations will not be accepted. The source of any persona format used must be acknowledged accordingly (using an in-text citation at the point of use, and full reference at the end of your report).
Preliminary Design

In partial fulfilment of Learning Outcome 2, in particular: Design a corresponding interface for target application.<br />
Submit a storyboard as an early, low-fidelity prototype, to describe the interaction of the user with the system interface. Ensure that the following are detailed: information / action / navigation components.<br />
<br />
<br />
Detailed design <br />
In partial fulfilment of Learning Outcome 2, in particular: justify design decisions in terms of the preceding user needs analysis, usability and psychological theory.<br />
Provide a concise yet detailed and well-structured design rationale. You may find it helpful to include your findings from your critical exploration above. Consider design decisions under the following 3 separate categories:<br />
<br />
? Decisions relating to the User Needs Analysis ( user profile / task analysis / environmental analysis ) <br />
? Decisions relating to Usability <br />
? Decisions relating to Cognitive Issues ( inc. metaphor/ idiom / choice of<br />
language and icons / addressing users memory and attention limitations / <br />
mental models ). <br />
<br />
* * Note : a general unstructured description of the interface with passing <br />
mention of some of the above is not sufficient for work at this level.<br />
<br />
Implementation <br />
In fulfilment of Learning Outcome 3: Implement a limited functionality interface.<br />
Provide comprehensive screen dumps ( the external examiner needs to see these to appreciate your work ). <br />
<br />
Evaluation<br />
In fulfilment of Learning Outcome 4: Critically evaluate the design prototype, including introspective evaluation and user evaluation.<br />
Evaluate the usability of the interface by honest and insightful testing. Outline / expose known bugs and design errors / areas of weakness. Link to theory and the user mental model. Discuss how the interface could be improved in future prototype iterations.<br />
—<br />
Referencing Requirements:<br />
Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D., 2007. About face 3: the essentials of interaction design. Third edition.<br />
<br />
Rogers, Y., Sharp, H. & Preece, J. 2011. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Third Edition. Chichester:John Wiley & Sons.<br />
<br />
User Experiences Journals, Articles<br />
<br />
Interaction Design, Journals and Articles


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