Computer science

Computer science

Project Quality Management:
The Convert University Campus from Partially Wired to All Wireless Project team is working hard to ensure that the new system meets expectations. Even though you have a detailed scope statement, schedule, and so on, you want to be sure that the project will please key stakeholders, in particular Frank, the project sponsor, and Tricia, the VP of Marketing. Both of these senior managers are very aware of customers’ needs, so it is important that the new system is stable, secure, and easy to use. They both want the Convert University Campus from Partially Wired to All Wireless Project to be ready as soon as possible so the university can start promoting this new service. You know that you may not be able to meet the schedule goal and provide a high quality service. You also think you will need additional funds since both suppliers have spent more than planned already, and you are only halfway into the project.

1. Develop a list of quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder expectations, focusing on both senior management and customer expectations. Provide a brief description of at least four different requirements. For example, a requirement might be that online help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that upgrades are installed seamlessly and free.
2. You have decided to expand the testing program to observe several potential users using early versions of the computer to get their feedback. Write a one- to two-page paper describing how this testing might work. Try to find information on how real companies get customer feedback such as this.
3. After analyzing results of early customer testing of the new system, you decide to create a Pareto diagram to easily see what problems or suggestions users reported. Use the template for a Pareto diagram and the following information to create it.

Problems/Suggestions # of Times Requested
Unable to Access the Saint Leo Web page 18
Not able to access some Web pages 30
No security message missing when logging in 15
Show simple checkbox to select access options 25
Add video/animation for instructions 3

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