Civil Disobedience in Literature

Civil Disobedience in Literature
Project description
Cultural-Literary Research Project

Purpose and Focus:
As you have learned in this class and in others, there is a deep and complex relationship between literature and the culture in which it is produced. The Kite Runner, for example, not only reflects the damaging effects of the Taliban, but also had a tremendous impact on how Western culture viewed Afghanistan after the novel was published. Through this project, you will study this rich relationship between literature and culture.

I.) Required Written Document (300 points):
Research and Cross-Analysis in which you illustrate important factors and developments within your chosen cultural topic and analyze how those factors and developments are reflected in your core literature (and vice versa)
Must provide a brief history of the topic
Must summarize every core literature selection
Must analyze every core literature selection
Must provide some comparison and contrast among core literature selections
Approximately 10-15 pages
Visual Aides with appropriate captions which will illustrate your key points. These may be info-centric (like charts and graphs), image-centric (like pictures or movie stills), or a combination thereof. You must have a minimum of two in your research and cross-analysis.
Works Cited Page in which you list your sources for your information and literature.
Must have at least five primary or secondary sources (not including core literature)
Wikipedia is a tertiary source
Literary criticism is a good secondary source
Must use MLA style (see the Little, Brown Essential Handbook)

II.) Oral Presentation (50 points):
Your presentation will demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic and literature. PowerPoint is standard, but you may choose any other format you wish. The presentation is designed to mimic the kinds of presentations you will need to do in college and the workplace, so your goal is to be able to present your thesis and evidence to your colleagues in a brief and interesting manner. Shoot for 5-10 minutes; if you actually present, you will be abruptly cut off at the 10 minute mark. I will model this presentation for you in class.
Everyone will need to submit a presentation, but for the sake of time, only a few will be selected to present. I will select what I consider to be the best presentations (no more than five) for class.

Cultural Topics:
For this project, you will need to choose a topic to study in depth. The topic must be one of concern within global culture. Your possible historical range is from prehistory to the present day. The topics themselves may be confined to a particular era and culture (the role of women in medieval Japan) or may span across eras and cultures (ghost stories). We’ll discuss topic selection in class, but ultimately you’ll finalize your choices with me.

Core Literature Selections:
In order to ensure that each project has a representative depth and breadth of literature, we will be using a literature equivalence system. Each type of literature has been given a point value. For this project, you will need to achieve at least 10 literature points. Use the table below for reference:

Literature Type Point value
Novel 4
Movie (no more than 2) 2
Play 4
Short story 2
TV show episode (no more than 2) 1
Poem/song 1

10 points could be achieved in several ways:
2 novels + 1 movie
2 movies + 1 novel + 2 poems
3 short stories + 1 play
2 TV episodes + 4 poems + 1 novel



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