Christina Rossetti
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Christina Rossetti is a powerful example of feminine strength of the 1800s. She had a very close family, and was known for her religious lyrics. Rossetti was born December 1, 1830 in London, England. She has three siblings, one sister and two brothers and she was the youngest of them. Rossetti was considered one of the most important women poets of English. She received that title by her big imagination, children poems, and religious poetry. She was revaluated of a major Victorian poet.
Rossetti’s health was damaged by a thyroid disorder from 1871-1873. Ever since this disease, she cut off her social life; so she sat around and wrote poems. In 1981 Christina Rossetti received cancer from her thyroid disease. She had planned to work as a governess, but since the disorder took place she had to throw that dream away. Due to her thyroid disorder she spent the last fifteen years of her life locked up in her house. Rossetti also did her best work while she was sick. In 1882, Rossetti had published a poem named Goblin Market, and Other Poems. Her poetry was best known for involving deep feeling. While she was sick, she wrote religious compositions and songs. She ended up dying December 29, 1894 in London because of her cancer. “Love, strong as death, is dead” (Christina Rossetti, web).
Christina Rossetti was closest to her brother Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Everyone referred to them as ‘the storm’. Dante Gabriel often went by just Gabriel. He was born May 12, 1828 in London, England. Gabriel was a writer and an artist. He left school at thirteen to go study drawing with a program called Pre-Raphaelite, which his sister Christina Rossetti also modeled for often. During 1840, Gabriel wrote a bunch of poems. His poems were later gathered and published in 1870. In the 1840s he also wrote a number of highly original poems. Between 1850 and 1860 he spent more time on painting and drawing and wrote little poetry. People came to the conclusion that he was actually insane; he was an alcoholic and drug addict but still maintained to write amazing poetry. Christina Rossetti often felt in completion with Gabriel because they were both the talented kids of the family and often tried to out shine each other. Her sister’s name is Maria and she was born February 17, 1827. Maria wanted to teach education, she ended up writing an essay that was published in 1871. She also entered a sisterhood at her church in 1873. Maria later died November 24, 1876. “For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen on whilst one stands” (Christina Rossetti, web). Christina’s other brother named William Michael; he was born September 25, 1829. He became an editor in 1850 of a magazine company. He messed around with some of Christina Rossetti’s unfinished work and it was later found and published in 1979. William later died on February 5, 1919. William and Maria were close like Christina and Gabriel were. People often referred to William and Maria as ‘the calms’. The kids were all home schooled by their parents who had them study religious works, classics, fairy tales, and novels. The Rossetti family was Italian. Even though their mom; Frances Rossetti resembled nothing of an Italian. He mother was a handsome woman with regular features. Frances was an imperturbable, affectionate person. She was very courageous, resourceful, and full of common sense. Everyone in the family depended on Frances and called her the “anchor” or the family. Frances was very religious as her husband; Gabriele Rossetti was not. Her father was Italian and a poet just like Christina and Gabriel. Gabriele died in 1854.
Christina Rossetti was a very faithful/ devoted Christian just like her mother. Growing up she had a very faithful family other than her dad, Jesus was always in the picture for her since day one. She attended Anglican High Church, which was a Catholic church. While Rossetti was sick, she wrote ballads and religious lyrics. The reason she was motivated to started writing poems, and lyrics was all because of her faith. Even though Christina Rossetti was a dedicated Christian she had many affairs with married men.
Christian Rossetti was one of the best women poets in the 1800s. She published her first poem in 1842; that would make her only twelve years old! Rossetti is most famous for her poems; who has seen the Wind, Goblin Market, Other Poems, and The Princes Progress, who were also illustrated by her brother Gabriel. By 1850 she had published seven poems. Christina Rossetti’s very first poem was printed at her Grandfathers private press. Many don’t know that she also had very bad anger management and threw many temper tantrums. When she was a teenager she once got so angry she ripped her arm with scissors, which later taught her to control her anger a little better. In 1850 she was also broke off an engagement with a man named James Collinson. She had written three hundred and eleven poems before she died.
Due to her three hundred and eleven poems, her having a close family, and for her famous religious lyrics, Christina Rossetti was a fantastic author and a wonderful woman. She was the strongest women from the 1800s for fighting a thyroid disease and later on developing cancer. More authors should have the determination Rossetti had to write poetry and song lyrics.