Childhood and adolenscent development

Childhood and adolenscent development

Your community is opening a brand new community center. Now that you are an expert in the field, you have been chosen to lead a development team that will create a proposal for interactive, fun, and educational programming activities that will be provided for children and adolescents in this center. Utilize problem-solving techniques in exploring developmental issues, grounded in child development, in order to assess what activities and items should be included in each program. Once you have chosen these features, you will present your ideas to a mock city council board (i.e. your instructor) with both a written proposal describing the programming, as well as an interactive presentation that will illustrate your ideas for promoting continued learning throughout childhood and adolescence.

You have been asked to propose programming for five different age groups in the community center:
�Infant (0-1 year)
�Toddler (1-3 years)
�Early Childhood (3-6 years)
�Middle/Late Childhood (7-12 years)
�Adolescence (13-18 years)

There are two parts to your final project; a written proposal (Part A) and a visual presentation (Part B). In Part A, you will be creating a written proposal in which you identify and describe at least two weekly activities for each age group (for a total of 10 activities) that address their developmental pathways: physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. All three domains of development must be addressed within your classes or activities. For example, you may have one activity which enhances cognitive and psychosocial development and a second activity which enhances physical development. In addition to identifying these activities, you will demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the age group�s developmental continuum by explaining your reasoning for choosing each activity, based on your analysis of theory and current child development research.

Additionally, you will go �shopping� for at least one age-appropriate game, toy, picture, or other �play� item to enhance the chosen activities within each age group. Keep in mind that this may include things like art, music, technology, or safety gear as you deem fit. For each item that you recommend, your written proposal will provide a link to a website from which the item can be purchased by the city, as well as an explanation for why the city should purchase the item informed by research and theory.

The overall goal of the written proposal and visual presentation is much like that of a grant proposal, in which a developer must convince the city council that their new business or activity is both cost-effective and beneficial to the community. You are encouraged to be creative and persuasive in your proposal, but remember that everything must be supported by the theories and research covered in our class.

(Needs to be in template form as listed below)

Introductory Paragraph: This is where you will introduce your Community Center to the City Council, ask for their consideration of your expert opinion on these specific rooms, and identify your main goal (your thesis statement) for each of these activities.

1. Age Group #1 – Infants
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
� Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
� Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.

2. Age Group #2 � Toddlers
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
� Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
� Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.

3. Age Group #3 � Early Childhood
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
� Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
� Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.

4. Age Group #4 � Middle/Late Childhood
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
� Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
� Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.

5. Age Group #5 � Adolescence
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
� Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
� Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
� Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
� Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
� Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.

Conclusion: This is where you will formally conclude your proposal, thank the city council for their consideration, and re-affirm the necessity for their acceptance of your offer.


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