case in conjunction
Task 1
Your task is See and read PowerPoint slides (i uploaded) then Identify relevant theories/concepts and/or models which assist in understanding the case in conjunction with problems and issues outlined. (this is more important ) in 90 words
The theoretical analysis of your case in relation to the problems to demonstrate how the management issue is understood based on relevant OB theories . 85 words
ByAlvin Turner, Brock University
Jeremiah Bigatallio waseager to start his newjobatInterContinental Communication, a
high-tech companynearBoston. Jeremiah, a civilengineer, joined the organization because itwas a relatively young,growing,and dynamicorganization that claimed in abrochure five years ago that its work environment was modelled on that ofMicrosoft. Jeremiah was hired as director of engineeringservices to supervise astaff of25. Thestaff includes 10 engineers, seven technicians, and eight lab assistants.
Mr. Bigatallio’s predecessor was John Angle, whowas firedforjustcause. Theofficial reason for his dismissal was not madepublic, butitis wellknown that he was havingtrouble managinghis staff as wellas interactingwith otherdepartments. First, mostof the engineers did notget alongwith one another; somehavenotspoken to each other formorethan two years. Second, thetechnicians disliked theengineers because theywereseen as arrogant primadonnas who were concerned onlyabout themselves. The engineersdid nothave any respect for or confidencein thetechnicians. Theyfeltthat the technicianswere agroupof bunglingincompetents who should all be sent back to tradeschool. Third,both of these teams werein almost completeharmonyin theircontempt forthe labassistants, all of whom theyfeltwerelackingininitiative, vastlyoverpaid, vastlyunderqualified, and more concerned with abusing overtime privileges andbeingpromotedthan achievingand maintainingminimum productivitystandards.
Other line and staff departments’ heads wereveryupset with John Angle. Thehead of corporate financial control was dissatisfied with him becausehis department was constantly over budget allocations, particularlybecause of the excessive amountof overtime worked by his staff. Hedid notkeep good recordsand did not submit accountinginformation on time. A recent audit revealedmajor financial irregularities of morethan $300,000 in salaries. And
therewere also concernsabout potential misappropriation of$250,000 ofagovernmentgrant program. People in otherdepartments (researchand development;manufacturing, quality assurance) wereverydispleased with John Anglebecause theinternecinewarfareongoingin his department madeitdifficult to work with anyonein engineering. This lack of communication, and frequent substandard lathes,dies and design surveys,resulted in backlogged work and unnecessaryovertimeexpenses. And when communication did occur, the engineeringunit’s performancewasgenerallyunreliable.
John Angle believed in self-directing and autonomous work teams. Consequently, he believed in empowering his subordinates to makedecisions and to feelresponsible forthe successes of thedepartment as wellas their own successes. John providedlittle orno direction orsupport forhis subordinates. Hedid not articulatehis vision, leadership style, or expectations to his subordinates. Hefeltthat theywerehighlytrained professionals who should know what is expected ofthemand should bewillingto do the rightthing. Healso feltthat bybeingself-regulatingand solvingtheirown problems as theyarose, employees
would learn from their own mistakes. Hesawthis as thebest wayfor employees to grow and develop on thejob and for theorganization to realizemaximum output fromworkers.
John Angle viewed himself as a progressiveliberal thinkerwhosenew-ageleadership style would transform and motivate employees to achievegreat things. Hebelieved that sharing power would enhanceemployees’ self-worth andenergizethem. Healso believed inmaintainingaconvivial work atmosphere. Thus,absenteeismand latenesswereoverlooked. Anglewas also fairlylaxin enforcingwork rulesand work productivitystandards. Asa consequenceof thelaxityin discipline and absenceof enforcement of workstandards, employees took advantageof thesituation and worked at their leisure/ theywere frequently lateor absentand (mis)managed other aspects of their own work schedule. Theyalso took frequentcoffeebreaks and tended to work substantiallyhigher amounts ofovertime relative to other employees in theorganization.
When Jeremiah was hired, hewas told that hehadthe fullconfidenceof theCEO and his vicepresidents to clean up the mess in the engineeringdepartment. Hewasgiven four months to fixallthe existingproblems in the department.
On his first dayon thejob, Jeremiah sat down in his office and typed on hislaptop: What typeof leadership style shouldIuse on this diverseteam of individuals? Then hestopped to retrieve from his pocketanote that he found under his doorthat morning. It said: “Try changingour overtime around hereandwewillcutyou down to size!”
Task 2 On one page only
Whether Going to Gdansk.
When Poland has moved toward amarket economy,Andrzej Jaworski from Chicago,Illinois, began thinkingthis might be an excellent placetoset up an overseas operation. Andrzej and his two brothers own a firm that produces specialized mobile phonewith high-tech components. The companyhas series of patents that provide legal protection and allow it to dominate asmall but growingsegment of the market. Their salesestimates reached $147 million within 3years, but theybelievethat this could rise to $200 millionif theywereto expand internationally. Theyhavethought about settingup aplant inBelgium so that they could take advantageof theEuropean marketgrowth. Theywould prefer Poland, however, because their parentsgrew up therebeforeleaving fortheUnited States. “We feel that we know thePoles becausewehavegrown up in Polish household herein theMidwest,”
Andrzej explained to hisbanker. “Wewould liketo set up asmall plant in Gdansk, train the
necessaryworkers, and then export ourproductinto the European Community.”
Oneof theprimaryreasons that Andrzej believes that theplan is feasibleisthat not onlyis Poland has moved moretowardamarketeconomy, but also the countryhasforeign debt, inflation, and outmoded. technology. A state-ofthe art plantcould help to reduce unemployment and provide an inflow ofneededcapital. However, thebanker is concerned that because of thepolitical risks and uncertaintyin Eastern Europeingeneral and Poland in particular, thecompanymayeitherlose its investment throughgovernment expropriation or find itself unable to get profits out of the country.Given that the companywillhaveto invest approximately$20 million, theventure could seriouslyendanger thecompany’sfinancial status.
YOUR TASK: read the answer
• Help Andrzej make a decision whether his company should invest in Gdansk for business expansion ON 50 words .
• Justify your proposed decision by1) providing information about possible risks and advantages/return ofinvestment; and 2)defining the decision process you have adopted On 50 words