Business human resource management
Project description
The management of knowledge workers presents a range of HRM challenges. Identify three challenges and explain how you would address them.
The management of knowledge workers presents a range of HRM challenges. Identify three challenges and explain how you would address them.
Specific advice: Knowledge workers- ASPECTS TO CONSIDER….
• The concept of knowledge work
• What is specific about managing knowledge workers?
• Challenges to HR
• Draw on theoretical and empirical research: e.g. Horwitz, Donnelly’s work and other sources listed in the references below
Notes continued (questions and answers)
Relating mainly to Horwitz, F. M., Heng, C. T. and Quazi, H, A,. (2003), ‘Finders, keepers? Attracting, motivating and retaining knowledge workers’, Human Resource Management Journal, 13 (4), 23-44.
1. What HR policies work with knowledge workers? Do you think that the same practices can be applied to all knowledge workers?Challenging work, celebrating achievement, excitement, self-development
2. Do you think that the use and effectiveness of HR practices is shaped by cultural differences?foreign owned firms find using headhunters highly effective compared with local firms which consider it ineffective.
3. What factors motivate knowledge workers? Is challenging and intellectual stimulating work more important to knowledge workers than pay? Competitive pay (highly effective for attracting, maintaining and retaining), competitive package and funding for studies also increases motivation, freedom to plan and challenging work also increase motivation, management support and fulfilling work also increases motivation. NOTE: page 33 “find incentives NOT a solution for motivational problems” Therefore challenging work is more important.
4. The paper suggests that it is necessary to differentiate HR practices for managing knowledge workers and non-knowledge workers. What problems might such a dual strategy generate within organizations employing both groups of workers?problems of a “dual-strategy” is the need for the employer to recognize the importance of individual needs, interests and aspirations
5. How would you tackle high turnover rates among knowledge workers? 1. Satisfy the knowledge workers career aspirations (promotions etc). b. provide a challenging work environment