Bombardier Inc.
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these are examples:
Economic:Toyota currently employs 333,498 people around the world. In 2017, the company plans on shutting down their production plants in Australia, which can cost the workers in the plants their jobs. Toyota has a big factor on many economies for they manufacture a large percentage of the automotive industry in various countries. Some economies can be affected by the actions of Toyota. For example, Toyota’s exit from Australia will mean the automotive industry in the country will be less competitive, which affects the automotive market.
Along with other Japanese companies, Toyota has invested a lot into the Japanese economy to help with uncertainties in the country ever since the financial crisis in 2011 from the earthquake and tsunami (Jie, Horie, & Hagiwara, 2013). The company also employs about 70,000 people in Japan and attempts to give back to its home country as much as possible (Jie, Horie, & Hagiwara, 2013).
Economic: RBC places the great importance on its economic impact within the country and the communities that it interacts with. They understand the severity of bank failures and potential economic crash due to a non-solid and stable bank. They place a great importance on supporting economic development and promoting literacy in order to have a positive impact on the economy. They place a great deal of importance on community development by providing programs that help the homeless and that offered food and shelter. They play a big role in maintaining stability in the economy and the communities while lending responsibly. They understand the importance and impact that they have on building towns and the power of infrastructure. They lend money in order to build schools, hospitals, power plants, roads and world transit systems. They have a positive impact on the economy in which they operate. They also implemented advice centers that offer financial literacy courses in order to help community members complete financial budgets and help clients by providing management tools that promote understanding about debt and the importance of saving money. They focus on promoting best business practices and by implementing these practices and policies to promote economic development wherever possible.