Bilingualism in the United States
Paper instructions:
I will provide the readings. must complete steps its part of the essay.
Follow the step by step instructions in this section, by doing each assignment.
Based on your readings from Chapter 23 and possibly experience, what is it like to be bilingual in the United States?
• Write a four to five page essay in which you support your thesis based on this prompt.
• Include at least one element of ethos, one of pathos and one of logos. Highlight those elements so that I can easily pick them out. (Yellow for ethos, pink for pathos and blue for logos).
• Highlight your thesis in yellow as well.
• Use the readings from the text to support your argument. Use proper in text citations of readings,and cite the readings on your works cited page.
• Use MLA format for in-text citations, the works cited page (which is not counted in the page count), and the general format of the paper (font, spacing, headings…)
• Proofread your paper for grammar, spelling, punctuation, coherence…
• Are there run on sentences, lack of commas with coordinating conjunctions, proper use of capital letters…. read your paper specifically for these elements.
The process:
• This week you will follow a series of steps to guide you through the essay process. Do not procrastinate.
• You will not receive a grade for the work done in each step. However, I will consider the effort given to the various steps in determining the final grade for your paper.
• Putting effort into the various steps will also demonstrate that your essay is the fruit of your own labor if a question of plagiarism should arise.
Follow the steps carefully and make this the BEST essay you have ever written.Even better than the last one. Avoid any errors pointed out on the last essay.
Generally speaking, keep your paper in either second or third person. Use first person only when you bring in your use of pathos.
Process will have to complete before completing the essay.
Write at least 6 bulleted quotes or paraphrases from your first article from Chapter 23. These should be written so that you are ready to use them in your paper. Did you note the page numbers from where you took the piece?
Do the same for the second, third and fourth article you read.
Step 2
a.Write your thesis here.
b. What is the topic you are covering?
c. What is the argument (statement, hypothesis…) you will be making?
d. What is the roadmap of the points you will be making?
e. Point number one:
What is the first point you will be making?
Which quotes from the readings will you be using to support your text?
f. Point number two:
What is the second point you will be making?
Which quotes from the readings will you be using to support your text?
g. Point number three:
What is the third point you will be making?
Which quotes from the readings will you be using to support your text?
h. Point number four:
What is the ffourth point you will be making?
Which quotes from the readings will you be using to support your text?
State if you will be making other points and the quotes you will use to support your points.
Step 4
Write your introduction here.
Place your thesis as the last sentence of your introduction.
Make sure the introduction leads nicely into the thesis.
Highlight your thesis.