Attributes Of a Successful Leader

Attributes Of a Successful Leader

Attributes Of a Successful Leader: Globalization and Diversity Impact on Healthcare Organizations

  • Explain the attributes of a successful health leader.
  • Describe issues related to globalization, power, followership, and culture change from a health leader’s perspective.

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:

-2: Evaluate approaches to leading individuals and teams, and eliciting support from senior principles.

-3: Identify change management practices by discussing change sponsorship versus agency of change theory.

-4: Evaluate leadership strategies essential to successfully accomplish change including interpersonal, organizational, and cultural dimensions.


For this Assignment, outline issues related to globalization, power, followership, and cultural change from a health leader’s perspective. Identify at least three major global health issues that have impacted the U.S. health care system, and describe how this has affected and influenced stakeholders.

Relate the global leadership style differences and similarities within the constructs of transformational leadership. Discuss at least three critical elements of culture and diversity on the modern health care organization. Also, provide a table or list of cultural attributes to be cognizant of.

Finally, categorize global leadership differences according to a leader’s use of power, technology, and knowledge management. Provide at least two leadership approaches for implementing change.

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Attributes Of a Successful Leader
Attributes Of a Successful Leader

 Answered below:-

Attributes Of a Successful Leader

Health care institutions are different from other institutions because of the unique their framework and continuous change. Leaders of health organizations should be competent and skilled to ensure the success of the organizations (Birken, Lee, Weiner, Chin, Chiu, & Schaefer, 2015).

A healthcare leader should be in a position to influence employees to work towards a common goal. The leader sets organizational goals that are clear and measurable to guide the organization. The performance of the organization is assessed by the achievement of the goals (Birken et al., 2015).

The leader acts as a change agent who initiates and maintains change within an organization. With the current dynamic healthcare system, current working techniques may be an outdated necessitating need for change. The leader plans initiate, and maintain the change to improve the services and performance of the organization. The leader guides subordinate through the change process. The leader identifies challenges and obstacles during the change process and offers solutions (Birken et al., 2015).

Also, a good leader should create a culture of accountability in the organization. Employees should know their roles and responsibilities. Therefore, employees should take responsibility for their actions and use their roles as learning opportunities for future growth and improvement (Frich, Brewster, Cherlin, & Bradley, 2015).

A successful leader possesses effective communication skills. The leaders should pass information without bias to all employees. Excellent communication skills are required to communicate change when initiating change process and to handle disciplinary cases within the organization (Frich et al., 2015).

Attributes Of a Successful Leader: Globalization Power, Followership and Culture Change

Development of advanced transportation and communication technology has led to increased movement and interaction of people globally. Advanced transportation and communication have led to the dilution of cultures; people may inherit cultures which have an impact on their health. Individuals abandon their cultures leading to change in lifestyle, behavior, beliefs, and values (Nica, 2015).

Health has become complex and dynamic due to the introduction of new health technology, increased competition, and socio-cultural growth. The leader is required to set goals, attributes, and specific organizational culture. Subordinates implement the leader’s goals. The leader sets an example through actions and behavior (Frich et al., 2015).

With globalization, there is increased foreign direct investment in health. For instance, a country may decide to train international students who, upon graduation work in the country they were trained or their country of origin. Brain drain creates a workforce shortage (Frich, et al., 2015).

Attributes Of a Successful LeaderChange Management Practices

Everybody in the organization has a role in the change process and understanding the roles and responsibilities helps in achieving change. Some obstacles may be experienced during the process such as employee resistance and communication breakdown. To avoid employee resistance and communication breakdown, leaders have a task to plan well and identify feasible strategies to make the change (Nica, 2015).

Change sponsorship helps manage employees’ resistance. A change sponsor is an executive member of the organization with a clear understanding of the organization’s goals, vision and the reason for the change. A leader is in charge of the initiative. Therefore, the leader offers direction to employees on the process and encourages employees throughout the process of change (Shanafelt & Noseworthy, 2017).

Change agency helps to manage change in some ways. A change agent is a person or a group in the organization who implements suggested change, for example, a human resource manager. Change agents are experts with knowledge concerning the change. Change agent plays a role in advising the sponsor and stresses the importance of change through education. Change agent also measures the progress of the organization towards change (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018).

Attributes Of a Successful Leader. Leadership Strategies

Effective communication is essential during the change process. Employees need accurate information about the change in time. Effective communication helps the organization overcome employee resistance to change. Employees should get information about all aspects of change. The leaders should be able to answer the employees’ questions (Shanafelt & Noseworthy, 2017).

The leaders should explain to employees how expected change will benefit their personal lives. Leaders should create a trusting environment that encourages change. Employees may have a fear of the unknown on the change process making them reluctant to embrace change. However, if the fears and needs are addressed appropriately, Employees commit to supporting change (Nica, 2015).

Increasing the level of participation of employees in the change process from planning to implementation and maintenance of change will make change successful. Employees are the key individuals in implementing the proposed change, and their involvement is critical. The leaders should assess the environment where change is to be implemented before initiation. This helps to identify threats, obstacles, strengths, and opportunities (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018).

Attributes Of a Successful Leader. References

Birken, S. A., Lee, S. Y. D., Weiner, B. J., Chin, M. H., Chiu, M., & Schaefer, C. T. (2015). From strategy to action: How top managers’ support increases middle managers’ commitment to innovation implementation in healthcare organizations. Health care management review, 40(2), 159.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of healthcare organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Nica, E. (2015). Moral leadership in health care organizations. American Journal of Medical Research, 2(2), 118.

Shanafelt, T. D., & Noseworthy, J. H. (2017, January). Executive leadership and physician well-being: nine organizational strategies to promote engagement and reduce burnout. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 129-146). Elsevier.

Frich, J. C., Brewster, A. L., Cherlin, E. J., & Bradley, E. H. (2015). Leadership development programs for physicians: a systematic review. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(5), 656-674.

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