Assessment of an e-commerce website
The first piece of coursework requires you to assess a ecommerce business
website for your chosen organisation. Any e-commerce website is suitable for assessment
Learning Outcomes:
•Effective e-commerce analysis in a company context, in order to enable the selection of an
appropriate business model (Show the understanding of e-commerce website components and how appropriate they are in a chosen company)
• The contribution of e-commerce makes through the whole business cycle (Importance of e-commerce to overall profit and revenues of the business)
• Write a business report that examines the opportunity for strategic improvement in
current business practice (Examination and analysis of different website components and recommending things that are important for the business)
• Assess the importance of e-commerce concepts to an organisation’s future development. (Analysis of the importance of having e-commerce for future development of the company)
The report should include the following sections:
CONTENTS PAGE: your report should contain page numbers and you should
include these in a clear contents page. Therefore, the structure of the report needs
to look professional. (10 Marks)
Introduction – Provide a brief paragraph outlining what your assignment will
cover and how you decided what to cover – The reason for choosing a particular e-commerce website and Methodology for assessment (nb as normal, the report should be
written in the third person).
SECTION 2 – Main Findings: identify the structure, features and platforms to
be able to assess a ecommerce website for your chosen
organisation (30 marks available).
1)Scan and Collect data and information about the website including usability, accessibility, customer support, landing pages, e-commerce components, customer journey, marketing efforts, etc.
2)Understand the competitors and outline differences/similarities with the chosen website
You are expected to use credible and up to date reference sources about
ecommerce industry (15 marks available).
SECTION 3 – Analysis and Conclusions – clear and well-defined summaries
that are supported with discussions and justifications on assessing
ecommerce websites for your chosen organization (40 marks available)
Critical approaches on the company of choice and its competitors supported by literature
SECTION 4 – References and bibliography – You must reference all
sources using the ASU Harvard Referencing Guide. You should aim for at least ten
credible reference sources but we would expect more. (5 Marks available)
SECTION 5 – Appendices – they are not included in the overall word count
but only short summaries or screenshots of the reports you have used should be