Art Management and Marketing assignment

Art Management and Marketing assignment


Project description


For an Art organization of your choice – provide a descriptive and analytical case-study which includes the following elements:
Abstract/Executive Summary
Highlight and summarise the key aspects of the organization/ business and your case study analysis and findings

1)Values and Strategy
Discuss/deduce the organization’s vision, mission and underlying core values
Describe and discuss the organization’s (short and long-term) strategic aims and objectives
Analysis of the External environment
Present a concise overview and analysis of the external environment which is relevant to your chosen art organization.
Analysis of Internal aspects
Present a comprehensive yet concise overview and analysis of the internal competencies and capabilities which are most critical for your chosen organisation.
-What are the key risks being faced by the business and how they will they be mitigated
-How does the organization build trust in itself, its team and its products/services.
-Summarise the ownership/legal structure and explain why it is appropriate
-Discuss key stakeholders in the organization and consider how their needs are met and balanced

2)Sales and Marketing
Discuss the target market and analyse who are the consumers, which consumer needs are being met and how
Consider how the business differentiates itself from competitors; how does its product/service positioned in the market place relative to competitors and how and why it will appeal to potential customers.
Discuss key aspects of promotion and product placement including geographic region, physical/virtual location, etc.
3)Financial forecasts & requirements
Provide and discuss (estimated or existing) realistic sales forecasts
If relevant, include different types of sales to different customers
Provide and discuss (estimated or existing) cash-flow forecasts/statements discussing the ‘when & why’ of the cash-flows.
Provide and discuss (estimated or existing) profit and loss (P&L) forecast/statements which gives a clear indication of how the business will move forward. Summarise the annual P&L forecast/statement for each of the first two or three years of trading.
For every forecast/statement, list and discuss all the key assumptions (e.g. prices, sales volume, timing).
Say how much finance is desired, when and in what form(s)?
State (or estimate) what the finance will be/is used for?
Discuss the investment strategy – what assets will can be acquired to support the business?
What are the key financial risks face by the organization?

4)The Future: Key Challenges/Dilemma’s/Opportunities
Identify, discuss and analyse one (or more) core challenges being faced by the business today?
What are potential turning points (key events) for the organization?
What is/are the related decisions being faced by the business’ key decision makers/management/leadership?

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