administration systems

administration systems
Assessment Event:
Administrative systems project
Case Study Project – Project Implementation


Landscapers’ Association


of Queensland
Project Management Plan

Centralised Database Records Management System

Landscapers’ Association of New South Wales

Project Management Plan


Landscapers’ Association of Queensland currently employs 120 staff with 16,000 members and 1,500 affiliated members.

Restructure the Association’s current record keeping functions and implement a centralised database records system to give all staff access to the same information from individual workstations.


To develop a centralised database records system to significantly speed up information flow throughout the organisation and thereby resulting in more time for staff to proactively pursue tasks that will enhance and develop the Association’s service to its members.


The Project Management Plan consists of x number of stages or phases:

Identify and write about these
Landscapers’ Association of Queensland

Project Management Background

Project: Centralised Database Records System
Project Sponsor: Board of Directors, Brian Banks, CEO
Project Team:
Project Leader: Will Holding, Administration Manager
Project Champion: Ann Rusty, Customer Service Officer
Project Support: Brooke Short, Assistant
Team Members: Hugh Smith, Senior Accounts Officer
Mandy O’Neil, Membership Accounts
Jane Olsen, Supplier Discount Scheme
Joan Reilly, Public Referral Scheme
Sue Jones, Assistant


1.0 Introduction

Established in 1997, the Landscapers’ Association of Queensland had an initial membership of 50 landscape gardeners and employed a staff of three. Since then, the membership has grown to 16,000 and the Association now employs 120 staff with 1,500 affiliated members. The Association’s services to its members are diverse ranging from business and financial advice, industry promotion and lobbying, research and development, training, industrial relations advice, supply discount scheme, and a general public referral scheme.

The Landscapers’ Association of Queensland has asked for companies with suitable qualifications to submit a tender to restructure the Association’s manual record keeping function into a centralised database records systems

1.1. Scope Statement

Restructure the Association’s current manual record keeping functions and implement a centralised database records system to give all staff access to the same information from individual desktop workstations.

1.2. Project Sponsors

The Board of Directors and Brian Banks (CEO) has committed $50,000 to the development of the new management information system.

2.0 Project Background

Currently several manual and electronic records systems are in place to manage the Association’s data.

2.1. Project Objective

Write about the purpose of the project

2.2. Feasibility Report

Write about the purpose of the Feasibility Report

3.0 Current System

The current records management system is manual, time-consuming, and inadequate. Due to the Association’s rapid expansion, departments within the organisation have tended to operate independently and, as a result, separate record keeping systems have developed.

3.1. System Components

Desktop PC workstations have access to MS Office 2003, Email, Internet access with direct dial up, and are networked.

3.2. Staff Skills Levels

Not all staff are computer literate and skill levels throughout the organisation vary greatly. Staff training needs for all skill levels must be addressed.

3.3. Project Team Participation

Write about the role of the Project Team:


The Project Team will consult with the successful tender organisation on all matters of system development, personnel issues, staff training, and operational requirements. (Project team to develop the tender information package)

5.0 New System: Purpose, Design, Specifications, and Data Requirements

5.1. Purpose: write about the purpose of the new system

5.2. Design and Specifications: write about the criteria that the new system must meet

5.3 Data Requirements: the new system must be able to accommodate information and data from write about the data management requirements

6.0 Options Methodology to obtain the required system

Write about the steps in the tender process

6.1 Advantages / Disadvantages of Options Methodology

Write about the advantages / disadvantages of the steps in the tendering process
7.0 Contingency Plan

Write about further options if none of the companies identified in the tendering process have the capability to undertake the system development work
8.0 Implementation Plan

The following timeframes/deadlines must be kept in order to meet the installation deadline:


9.0 Training Plan

Write about the training needs for every staff member.

10.0 Budget

An amount of $50,000 is allocated to this project and makes allowance for:

? Project Feasibility Report
? Project report
? Project Tenders process
? Project team – consult with the successful tender organisation on all matters of system development, personnel issues, staff training, and operational requirements




11.0 Processes and Procedures

The Project Team will develop the following policies and procedures:

? How and for what purposes systems can be used, ie for the purposes of organisation only and not for any personal business
? The level of security and password protected areas for each staff position
? Develop a monitoring report to be reviewed weekly on how the system is being used, for what purpose, by whom, and if there are any security breaches
? Identify what OH&S requirements are needed to be addressed in relation to the new installation
? A quarterly meeting to review the system, its current status, and what future needs are required
? This would be an item for the Board of Directors quarterly meetings


12.0 Personnel and Operations

The following personnel and operational requirements must be addressed:

? Personal are familiar with Ms office 2010 but not all staff are competent with all software
? Training and support must adequately address the training needs for all staff, including
..1. Initial training needs assessment
..2. Follow up training assessment
? Personal must be included in the change processes and kept informed on progress (keep fortnightly Change Meetings schedule)
? Work closely with the CSO to assist in the change process
? Circulate minutes of Change Meetings by next business day
? Produce a ‘newsletter’ on how the system is working, what’s new, and ask for feedback to put onto the agenda prior to the meeting
? Develop process for communicating changes and updated to other departments
? Develop periodic questionnaires/ surveys to all staff on their opinion on how the new system is working and meeting their needs

? Not all staff are computer literate and skill levels throughout the organisation vary greatly
? Staff training needs for all skill levels must be addressed.
12.1 Due Date for Tender Submissions

? Tenders are required to be submitted by the close of business on Monday, Jan 6 2014
13.0 Assessment Criteria

All tenders will be assessed on the tenderer’s ability to meet the following criteria:


14.0 Selection

All tenderers who meet the above criteria will be assessed. The successful tenderer will be notified by .

15.0 Price

Write about the tender pricing submission

16.0 Recommendation

Write about how you will progress the tender submissions to final choice and how will that decision be made …




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