Introduction of Quality Improvement: utilising ISBAR framework into handover sheet

Introduction of Quality Improvement: utilising ISBAR framework into handover sheet

A quality improvement (QI) strategy that has been identified during your experiences in the clinical practice context. The QI initiative can be related to any part of practice that will enhance patient care and/or the clinical environment. The QI initiative must directly relate to an issue that has been identified during the clinical practicum. The assignment can be divided into three main domains: Introduction, Discussion and Implementation plan.

1. Introduction: (8%) The student has identified a quality improvement (QI) initiative that is innovative and directly relevant to the issue that has presented in their clinical practice.

2. Discussion: (8%) The student should present a discussion that is supported by current literature. This discussion should include a critical analysis of care and related issues and also be presented In a logical, cohesive manner. Areas to include: background literature to support initiative; critical evaluation of why this QI initiative would be useful to this context; and; identification of enabling and challenging issues for implementation.

3. Implementation plan (7%) The student logically presents plan for implementation of the QI initiative relevant to the clinical area identified in the introduction. Areas include: strategies for implementation; identification of other strategies to minimise challenges and enhance uptake; identification of key stakeholders; and a suitable timeline for implementation.
4. References/Bibliography The student has included references from a wide source of relevant nursing and allied health literature. References/Bibliography (7%) The student has included references from a wide source of recent (up to 8 years ) nursing and allied health literature.

–Please see the attachment document to follow the subheadings and provided information to write the assignment.
– References need to be within 8 years- 2008 – 2014

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