Zhao Mengfu

analyze Zhao Mengfu’s(Chao Meng-fu, 1254-1322,Yuan dynasty) : A landscape by Zhao Mengfu. You can find and excellent reproduction of this painting in Wen Fong and James Watt’s (pp. 274-275, detail p.268).

The essay should contain a succinct description of the overall expressive impact of the painting, followed by a formal analysis: the composition, brushwork, colors, etc. Give your visual evidence simply and straightforwardly, so that you can justify your reactions to the painting.

Discuss also the subject matter of the painting. You may speculate where this painting would have been appreciated or venerated. Feel free to make reference to other artworks you have studied or seen. You are also asked to discuss the significance of this painting in Chinese painting history. Try to imagine you are writing a detailed catalogue entry for this painting. Your paper should contain a minimum of three different sources(one from the textbook may be one source,pp 216-217. textbook: The Arts of China, fifth edition, Michael Sullivan, ISBN 978-0-520-25568-5)(Internet information does not count as a source unless it is from electronic journals or official websites of some major museums)

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