Theory of Conflict Resolution
Is Australia at peace with its indigenous citizens? Discuss
The rationale for this assessment task is to focus student’s thoughts on the meanings of peace and
conflict and to apply them in the Australian context. It introduces students to the practice of integrating their reading and some independent research into a critical piece of analysis and written
This assessment task also prepares you for a more in depth analysis in your second and third
Marking criteria
Marks are given for having a thesis and presenting argument(s) for it; demonstrating the objection(s)
that might be made to it (antithesis) and the arguments for this view; presenting ‘objection(s) to the
objection(s)’; drawing an explicit conclusion which reaffirms the thesis, but takes note of the objection
of its scope perhaps by some modification (e.g. from ‘All A is B’ to ‘Most A tends to be B’).
The ideal structure is as follows:
I. Thesis (For example Australia is at war with………….., OR Australia is not at war with ……)
II. Argument for I (Present arguments for your thesis, using references)
III. Antithesis (Present opposing argument to your thesis)
IV. Argument for III
V. Rebuttal of IV
VI. Conclusion restating I (perhaps with modification)
Your essay should have this underlying structure even if it is presented in another explicit format: The
example is not germane to the subject, but an illustration of the thesis/antithesis/synthesis model.
I. Thesis
Although pure capitalism does lead to inequality, through taxes and other social policy interventions
its difficulties can be alleviated through mixed, democratically guided political measures.
Under capitalism, the rich will always rule because they can co-opt radical candidates through control
of information, professional expertise, campaign treasure chests, and tax havens.
II. Arguments for the thesis in I either (a) or (b).
III. Anti-thesis: best arguments against (a) or (b) at step II.
e.g. Against 1a
Capitalism depends on the notion of a competitive free market. But the conditions of this ideal market
are never met (level playing field, equal information and resources etc.). Monopoly and externally
exported costs like pollution spoil the theory. You cannot bargain with no chips.
Against 1b
Capitalism has rules/laws against monopoly, fraud, tax evasion etc.
IV. Rebuttal of arguments made in III.
V. Conclusion
Synthesis, essentially pointing out that at Step IV the argument of II has now been vindicated.
In summary present the case for your thesis; then the case against it, rebut the case against it; finish up
with a restatement of the thesis/conclusion, perhaps with minor modification or clarification.
Marks will be given for an essay which covers these steps. Marks are deducted for failure to
acknowledge sources used and are given for originality, clear expression of the writer’s own
opinion and evidence of independent reading. The use of the personal pronoun is acceptable and
a major goal is to help the student to form, express and defend a personal position on the
issue(s), backed up by academic literature.
The following explanation gives you more information about how your performance will be graded:
High distinction 85%+
High distinction 85%+
You have performed exceptionally against all the criteria and your answer is clearly focussed and
coherently organised.
Your complex arguments show a deep understanding of the principles involved and their application.
Your ability to distinguish different ideas and arguments leads to an insightful and informed
discussion of the topic and allows you to show your own well-developed and original ideas and wide