The New Public Management

The New Public Management

Its global impact and after math- its impact on public managment leadership and ethical orientations, and how it could be implied in Saudi Arabia

“Here are the new instructions: Instructions: THIS IS A CAPSTONE PAPER for Master of Public Administration. (MPA) Title: Difference between public and private managers. THE TOPIC: Describe the significant differences between public and private management. Summarize the problems and constraints these differences present for public managers, particularly in the areas of policy leadership and ethics. (Since I am majoring in the public administration please focus on public managers). PAPER GUIDELINES: *1. **start the paper with questions about the topic of the has to be guided by theories. And there should be a frame to build the paper around it.* *2. *Please use not so complicated vocabulary, I’m not American so any sophisticated words may be difficult for me. 3. Please send me an outline for the paper as soon as possible. 4. The paper will be graded on the basis of: so please try your best on the paper): 1) Quality and extent of research. 2) Analysis and synthesis of the topic. 3) Integration of ethical issues with the topic (as shown below). 4) Structure and organization of the paper. 5. The research should include an examination of the leadership and ethical decision making dimensions of the topic and integrate knowledge from public administration. The papers should cite at least six articles on the selected topic from peer reviewed, refereed journals in the relevant field, in addition to any other citation. 6. *Ethical issues to be addressed in the paper include:* *1)* Identification of potential conflicts between professional management and democratically elected officials, as well as the ethical dilemmas these relationships may entail. *2)* Identification and discussion of ethical issues associated with policy leadership by professional managers. *3)* Communication of a clear and coherent philosophy of engaging diverse constituencies by professional managers. *4)* Thoughtful reflection on the pursuit of public value while remaining open to diverse views of the public interest. please focus on the ethics in the paper. and please try your best in this paper it is really important to me and I really want an A. *A Sampling of Peer-Reviewed Journals* Public Administration Review -Public Performance and Management Review -Public Administration Quarterly -Administrative Theory and Praxis -American Review of Public Administration -American Political Science Review -State and Local Government Review -Publius: The Journal of Federalism -Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory -Nonprofit Management and Leadership -International Journal of Public Administration -Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly -Administration and Society -Journal for Nonprofit Management in advance thank you so much”


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