Social Issue Paper

Social Issue Paper

You will receive up to 100 points for writing a 3-4 page, typed, double-spaced, social issue paper. The paper should cover a sociological topic about something that YOU have experienced in your life and that we have covered in class and/or is mentioned in our textbook. Possible ideas could include things like discrimination, crime, addiction, divorce, suicide, or any other topic that negatively affects a lot of people in our society and has impacted you personally.
In your paper, be sure to address the following points:
1) What is the social issue? Find at least one academic article that addresses the issue, explain what the article has to say about the issue, and cite the article in your reference section.
2) Discuss how the issue has affected your life or the life of those important to you.
3) What have you done to overcome or deal with the issue?
4) What do you think is the best way to reduce, remove, or teach others about your topic? Does your academic article suggest a way to deal with the problem? If so, what does it say?
Formatting (3-4 pages, typed, double-spaced):
1) The first part of your paper should be an introduction to the topic or issue that you will be discussing. This is where to include information about what your academic article has to say about the issue. How prevalent is it, where does it occur most often, what are its consequences, etc.
2) The main portions or the body of the paper should focus on answering the questions that I have asked you to address.
3) The last part of your paper should be the conclusion. This is the time to wrap up your ideas and thoughts. Make sure that you have addressed how to prevent/deal with your issue. Go back and read your paper to make sure that any point that you brought up has been resolved, discussed, and dealt with in a clear manner.

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