RSS feeds

RSS feeds

The Question is :

Many graduate courses can quickly become obsolete at the conclusion of the last session. Moreover, if you can truly claim to be a life-long learner, then focused and deeper learning begins after your graduate. That is why we call it a ceremony.

As a professional?, it is important to have a plan for continual professional growth. (How would you view your medical doctor if he/she didn?t keep up with new advances?) With respect to this course, the NETS-T or NETS-A self-assessment you completed at the beginning of the course describes technology?s general role in teaching, learning, and/or leading. Carefully look over those standards if you have not yet done so. Your response should explicitly address the NETS.

Search for and identify online resources to remain informed in your discipline and the disciplinary-based integration of technology. Make a list and briefly describe each online resource. Be authentic and limit your list to resources that you actually plan to use instead of a large list of possibilities. The list might include RSS feeds (e.g., Google Reader), online journals, social networking sites/groups, Twitter feeds, email listserves, blogs, wikis, and so on. I might suggest listing/describing two to four resources. There are some great resources in the Content section and "Professional Development & Journals that support Educational Technology" Folder of our Blackboard course, too.

On an additional note, professionals contribute to their field and they do not merely consume. This is not something you do with your students/employees; instead, your peers are the consumers. As an educated professional, you have strengths and your contribution should relate to your strengths. If you do not already contribute, you will find it rewarding on many levels to start. How will you professionally contribute? Be specific. What will be your sphere(s) of influence (local, state, or national)?



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