Recidivism Project
You are a parole case manager for a soon to be released prisoner. Your task is to analyze this offender’s risks and needs, consider his or her strengths, weaknesses,
and previous supervision failures and prepare a community reentry and supervision plan. The objective of the plan is to help the offender succeed upon release and stay
out of the justice system.
Assignment Particulars:
1) The offender is a 25-year old male (your choice of ethnicity/race) about to be paroled from a 2-4 year sentence for burglary. This is his second prison sentence. He
was paroled from the first, also a burglary conviction, but committed another offense and returned to prison. He has a GED but no marketable job skills. His past jobs
have been in fast food and in construction, as a laborer. He has struggled with heroin addiction since adolescence, and has committed crimes to obtain money for drugs.
He completed a 90-day residential treatment program during his most recent incarceration.
His parents are willing to provide some help but he cannot live with them because he stole from them in the past to get money for drugs. He is obligated to pay child
support for a two year old daughter from a previous relationship. Most of his friends and acquaintances have used drugs and committed crimes. One month before release
the offender has no proposed residence and no employment.
2) Identify this offender?s needs. Identify potential risk factors that can contribute to deviant/criminal behavior.
3) Develop a reentry plan for this offender, using actual resources in your community. These may include treatment providers, 12-step meetings, job referral agencies,
mentors, education agencies, etc. Prepare a list of providers, including addresses, contact persons and numbers, schedules, and other pertinent details. Explain what
services will be provided and how your plan will help the person succeed, after previous plans have failed.
4) Develop a supervision plan for this offender. Discuss how often you will meet with the parolee in your office, and how often you will visit the offender at his
residence, place of employment, and other locations. Prepare a list of special conditions of supervision, and explain your reasoning.
Compile this information in a double spaced, APA formatted paper.
Substantiate your paper with at least five references.