Qualitative Research and Proposal Scenarios

Qualitative Research and Proposal Scenarios
As my teacher states," The second part of the course concerns qualitative research, which is much different from quantitative. As Creswell (2012) stated qualitative research involves:

1- Exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon
2- Literature review plays a minor role but can help justify the problem.
3- Stating the purpose and research questions in a general and broad way so that the particpants’ views are obtained.
4- Analyzing the data for description and themes using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of findings.
5- Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria, and including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity and bia. (p. 16)."

The central phenomenon in qualitative research is basically the same as the research problem in quantitative research. It is the "key concept, idea, or process studied in qualitative research" (Creswell, 2012, p. 16.

Most of your data you’ll gather through observation and interviews, however active participation with subjects is acceptable. Qualitative deals with experiences.

The forum for this module will focus on constructing the central phenomenon, research question, and research design. I’ve also uploaded two qualitative scenarios for your proposals.


Scenario 1
Your medical director has asked for your help in a state-wide study on the effects of 24-hour shifts on EMS providers. Your portion of the study will consist of a three county area, which contain two fire-based EMS providers and two private ambulance services. The goal of the study is ascertain the physical, mental, and emotional toll that 24-hour shifts take on EMS providers. You have been chosen to write the research proposal to be incorporated into the state-wide project that will be presented to the State EMS Committee one year from now.

Scenario 2
One month ago Medic 12 & Medic 22 responded to a single-vehicle rollover with four pediatric patients ages 12, 8, 4, and 9 months. Two of the patients were pronounced dead at the scene, while the other two died during transport to the hospital. The crew members received appropriate counseling, but are still having problems coping with the incident. Your medical director has asked for your help in a study on post-traumatic stress disorder among EMS providers. The study will consist of the crews of Medic 12 & Medic 22. The medical director and you plan to present your study at the yearly regional EMS conference.


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