Professional Dialogues in Education – Foucault’s work.

Professional Dialogues in Education – Foucault’s work.
Professional Dialogues in Education – Foucault?s work.
1. Write three (3) x 400 word definitions of 3 key concepts from Foucault?s work.

2. Choose three (3) items of secondary literature in education which relate to these key concepts. Match up one key concept per item and write 3 x 100 word critical annotations on how each author has applied one of your chosen key concepts. (One key concept per annotation. Three annotations in all).
No more than one of your 3 definitions should be on power or one of its subcategories. So you might choose one of the following: Power (general), disciplinary power, pastoral power, sovereign power, power-knowledge, microphysics of power.

3. To summarise (do this for 3 key concepts):
Step 1: Define a key concept as it appears in Foucault?s work ? for example the panopticon, disciplinary power, pastoral power, regimes of truth, ethics, the subject, the individual, bio-power, governmentality, care of the self, parrhesia etc. etc.
Step 2: Pick one article, book or book chapter by an author who is using Foucault’s work to write about some area of interest to you and critically discuss (not just summarise) how he or she applies the concept you have chosen to the field of education.
Further information and instructions
? You can find a list of key concepts in Foucault?s work here:
? You can also find specific and detailed references to Foucault’s own discussions of these key concepts in Appendix 2: ‘Key concepts in Foucault’s work’ in the textbook O’Farrell, Clare (2005), Michel Foucault. London: Sage.
? You can also find models of how to write definitions in this book.
? The following section of the textbook may also be of assistance: Chapter 4 up to the end of ‘Five Basic Assumptions’, pp. 50-56.
? ?Secondary literature? is work by writers who apply Foucault?s ideas. This can include scholarly journal articles, book chapters or books. Keywords are provided with many articles to help you to search quickly for relevant items.
? A definition of ?scholarly? literature can be found here:
? For a definition of scholarly writing:
? Here are some instructions on how to write an annotated bibliography.
? Please pay careful attention to the parameters of the set task for this assignment: that is, focus on how each item of secondary literature deals with one of your chosen key concepts.

Hints: Rather than defining the concept of ‘disciplinary power’ you might like to define the concept of ‘discipline’. This concept would not then be considered a sub-category of power. You are not obliged to select any of these notions however. The choice is up to you.



Assignment 1-further notes.
Criteria ? Definitions Exc VG Good Sat Marg Unsat
1. Understanding of key concept and accuracy of definition
2. Skills of argumentation, interpretation and analysis
3. Use of relevant texts by Foucault in developing your definition
4. Use of relevant and concrete examples to illustrate your definition
5. No more than one (1) of your definitions is on power or a sub-category of power
Criteria ? Secondary Exc VG Good Sat Marg Unsat literature
1. Description and critical analysis of how each item of scholarly secondary literature applies one of your chosen key concepts
2. Suitable choice of scholarly secondary literature
Overall criteria ? Parts 1 Exc and 2
1. Demonstration of original analysis rather than close paraphrase of your readings
2. Spelling, grammar and writing style
3. Breadth and relevance of both primary (Foucault) and secondary sources. Minimum ten (10) scholarly references overall.
Technical requirements
1. Word length (must be no more than + or ? 10% of set length)
2. Accurate recognised bibliographical format for reference list
3. Accurate recognised bibliographical format for in text references
4. Appropriate formatting: 11-12 pt font; 1.5-2.0 line spacing, margins.


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