Pre-incident plan
4. Use the scenario based on your pre-incident plan for this question. Highlight entry and exit locations that could be used to attack the fire. If the building used for the pre-incident plan is protected by a sprinkler system or other fire suppression system the system is out of service for purposes of this question.
A. What is the structural collapse potential?
(Your answer goes here)
B. How long do you think the building will remain stable under the conditions described in the scenario?
_______ Minutes
C. Assume that the first due company attacks the fire with the standard pre-connect. What size hose line would you order from the second due company?
(Your answer goes here)
D. How many and what size hose lines would be needed to extinguish the fire (Use V/100)?
(Your answer goes here)
E. Compare attack positions from the various entry locations to the fire area. Which position would be best to avoid pushing the fire into uninvolved areas?
(Your answer goes here)
F. Consider distances from the entry location to the seat of the fire. Is it possible to reach the burning materials from the entry position?
(Your answer goes here)
G. Is a direct attack possible? State why or why not.
(Your answer goes here)
H. Which type nozzle would be best for this scenario?
(Your answer goes here)
I. What size hose lines should be used as back-up lines?
(Your answer goes here)
J. What additional lines are needed to protect exposed areas?
(Your answer goes here)
K. What is the total water supply requirement?
________ GPM _________ Pumpers at Supply
L. What is the best location, and type of venting to both control the fire spread and to assist the nozzle crew in attacking the fire?
(Your answer goes here)
M. Would forcible entry be a problem? Explain your answer.
(Your answer goes here)
N. Are concealed spaces problematic? Explain your answer.
(Your answer goes here)
O. What is the most likely fire extension pathway?
(Your answer goes here)
P. List the companies and staffing needed to conduct a safe attack given the scenario.
________ Engine Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Engine Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Engine Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Truck Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Truck Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Truck Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Heavy Rescue Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Heavy Rescue Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ Other Fire Companies w/ _______ person staffing
________ EMS Units w/ _______ person staffing
________ Special Units, e.g. air truck w/ _______ person staffing
__________ Chief Officers
Total staffing _____________
Total # of Fire Companies ____________
How many of these units would be Mutual Aid?
__________ Engine Companies, ___________ Truck Companies
__________ Heavy Rescue Companies ______ Other Fire Companies
__________ EMS Units
__________ Chief Officers
How many of these units would be staffed by off duty personnel including volunteer firefighters?
__________ Engine Companies, ___________ Truck Companies
__________ Heavy Rescue Companies ______ Other Fire Companies
__________ EMS Units
__________ Chief Officers
Q. Consider the effect a sprinkler system would have on the total operation.
(Your answer goes here)