Physical Geography

River Crane coursework

Guidance: Complete the following template.Answer spaces have been provided to help guide the amount of text that is suitable for each answer. You must write concisely and accurately to communicate the information. Type your answers. Use single line spacing, and 11pt size font; remove italics formatting from within the answer spaces. Photographs or other imagery can be added at the end. The total length of the documentexcluding the sketch map must not exceed four pages.

1.    Based on your observations and discussions with FORCE and the London Wildlife Trust representatives, briefly describe the River Crane catchment.
Hints: Catchment surfaces? Pollution? Urban development? Restoration projects?

2.    Briefly summarise techniques that can be used in restoring urban streams that are described in Bernhardt and Palmer (2007).

3.    Briefly describe how pools and riffles form.
Refer to the lecture notes and texts as appropriate. Remember to reference the texts if you use them and include the full reference in the list at the end of the document.

4.    Insert the four river cross-sectional profiles into the table below and briefly summarise the main similarities and differences between them in the box marked.

5.    How effectively did your team work together in the field and when sharing data? Also, name two ways in which you will change your team-working in order to be a more effective team member.
I believe out team worked well together as we got our results fairly quickly, we communicated well with each other so we knew what was needed to reach our objective. We each volunteered to do different roles such as measure the width of the river so no one was left sitting out. We also communicated through emails if we were missing any data. Two ways I would improve is

6.    What three things will you do differently when doing fieldwork in the future to gain more from the experience?

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