International Conflict
The process of boundary construction
Make sure you cover the following:
(1) establishment
(2) demarcation
(3) control
Discuss 4 of the following:
(1) Transnationalism ? sharing culture;
(2) Otherness ? the borderland region is distinctive;
(3) Separateness ? the borderland region is separate or isolated;
(4) Areas of cultural accommodation ? fusion of identity;
(5) Areas of international accommodation ? military and/or economic integration.
Elements making for peaceful boundaries
Discuss 4 of the following:
(1) Territorial questions settled
(2) Ease of legal trans-boundary interaction
(3) Boundary provides a sense of security
(4) Joint resource exploitation is possible
(5) Local administration is coordinated
Social movements and scale
Make sure you cover the following:
(1) Individual ? social movement is interested in personal behavior and attitudes
(2) State ? movement interested in changing government policy and practice
(3) International organizations ? interested in changing global conditions, behavior of multinational groups
Negative and positive peace
Make sure you cover both:
(1) Negative peace
(2) Positive peace
Peace and scale
Choose ONE of the following:
(1) The three scales of peace (individual, social, collective)
(2) The peace pyramid (corporeal, sanctuarial, social & economic, inner, global)
Geopolitics of peace movements
Discuss how the article situates a peace movement within the three peaks of peace activity;
Discuss how the article addresses these components of a peace movement: geopolitical context, social
construction of scale, increasing scope of activism.
Geographical elements of terrorism
Make sure you cover the following:
(1) Symbolic nature of targets ? think ?place?
(2) Expanding the scope of a particular conflict ? think ?scale?
(3) Political geographical altruism ? working on behalf of a region
4 waves of terrorism
Discuss how terrorism in the article is situated within the four waves of terrorism:
(1) 1880-1914: anarchists
(2) 1920-1960: nationalists
(3) 1960-1990: nationalist/ideological
(4) 1990-present: religious
Don?t just say that it?s in wave four because it?s present day, though. Tell me why or why not. These four
waves are not set in stone, so if you think that your article talks about present day nationalist or anarchist
terrorism, explain why you think so.
Geography of religious terrorism
Make sure you cover the following:
(1) Global phenomenon, all religious groups
(2) Transcends the state, a kind of ?cosmic war?
(3) The state is no longer the political arbiter