In these research paper select an area of interest and learn more about your topic.

The key to success with a research paper is to choose an area of study, narrow to a topic arena, then design a specific thesis statement. You can use just about any area of interest and find research that applies interpersonal concepts. Here are a few topic ideas. You can use these .

•    Methods for improving the handling of conflict
•    Computer mediated communication and friendship development
•    Identity management in cyberspace
•    Social support in healthcare organizations
•    Self-fulfilling prophecy and education
•    Gender differences in email
•    Relational repair in the workplace
•    High and low context and the workplace strategies
•    Cross cultural job interview tips
•    Nonverbal negotiation skills
•    Emoticons and their use/abuse
•    Critical listening and the workplace
•    Relational dialectics
•    Turning points in relationships
•    Conflict online

The purpose of the presentation is to have a chance to share what you have learned in your topic area. You will create a power point with up to 10 slides. You will need to include an introductory slide with your name and a bibliography slide. You will be doing this in class.

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