Imagination and Innovation

Imagination and Innovation
These should be as three separate pieces of work submitted under the one portal so the marker is able to link the Literature review and the project plan
Part One
Literature Review – 2500 words
The literature overall used must be a mixture of published relevant studies as well as evidence gathered through use of the NHS Outcomes Framework and the NHS Quality Standards. The chosen review must reflect a Patient Experience, Patient Safety or Patient Outcome project.
The introduction should include a brief account of the area of care that will be addressed, a brief outline of the proposed innovation and an indication of the content of the rest of the assignment.
This will contain an explanation of the context and the client group that will be affected by the proposed innovation (older people in residential homes, people with learning disabilities living independently, children awaiting surgery etc.)
Critical review of the literature
The content of the critical review of the literature may be quite different, depending on the area to be addressed. However the general pattern should include:
Evidence that there is an aspect of care that can/should be improved (this could include reflection on clinical experience, but where possible statistics and existing research should be explored – i.e. national statistics for the number of older people admitted to hospital in a malnourished condition, the number of falls among care home residents, research showing that users of the service prefer single sex environments, etc. and government initiatives that may relate to the area of care; falls reduction, reducing medication errors etc. )
Once the need for change/improvement is identified any relevant literature that would support the proposed intervention should be considered. The proposed innovation may have characteristics in common with best practice in other care contexts, or a similar (not the same) innovation, may have been introduced in a different context and been shown to be successful. For example you could be proposing a new system for communicating between professionals supporting a transition to independent living, for people with mental health problems. There will be evidence relating to the importance of effective inter-professional communication and studies looking at different aspects of effective communication; these can be used to support your argument for your proposed innovation.
Throughout the literature review you should consider the nature of the evidence and the degree of confidence we can have in any research findings. (This is what makes it a critical review. A research study will carry more weight that an editorial in a pressure group newsletter, but also consider the relative strengths and limitations of different research studies – issues like sample size and reliability of measures in quantitative studies.)
A reference list
You should add a copy of the Undergraduate Assessment and Grading Criteria for Coursework: Level 6 – with your relevant information in (Name Module lead and candidate number) to the end of your work.

Part two
Project plan – 2500 words
This will introduce the detailed plan for implementing the innovation you have identified and supported in the literature review briefly summarise the need for the change and the purpose of the innovation, all of which should have been covered in detail in the literature review, leading to a clear statement of the aim of the innovation process. You need to provide the rationale here for the plan and consider the patient experience, patient outcome and patient safety.
The plan
Using a framework (i.e. PDSA) or a change theory (i.e. Lewin) present a plan addressing the activities necessary to make the change happen. The key content will take the form of a structured account of the steps necessary to implement the innovation.
Implementation: – critical comment may be based on overcoming barriers and/or why particular actions are justified. Consider other change models in this critique. (SWOT analysis or stakeholder analysis may be used to structure ways of addressing potential problems). Some sort of flow chart may be useful, but there needs to be explanations and justifications for the different actions that will need to be taken. For example it is likely that the multidisciplinary team will be involved in the introduction of change – how will this happen? Who will lead this process? What difficulties may arise? How will they be overcome? How or to what extent will users of the service be involved?
Evaluation: – how will you know that your idea is successful? How will you ‘measure’ success? Consider the scope/scale of the work. What evidence are you drawing on and what research methodologies are in use, link back to the stakeholders and/or SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis or stakeholder analysis could form part of your appendices. We need to know whether it is achieving the aims/goals set out in the introduction. Think about setting SMART outcomes that reflect the purpose of the innovation, then when it comes to the evaluation it will be a straightforward task to explain the evaluation strategy.
Draw the themes together and possibly consider future dissemination of the ideas in your review and plan – publication, sharing with policymakers etc. Consider recommendations for practice, how does this relate and impact on practice, what are the implications for the future?
Reference List
You should add a copy of the Undergraduate Assessment and Grading Criteria for Coursework: Level 6 – with your relevant information in (Name Module lead and candidate number) to the end of your work.


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