Feeding the Hungry

Feeding the Hungry

Max 750 words. paper must be written from the article "Feeding the Hungry" by Jan Narveson, however citations must be done from the school textbook "Applied Ethics A Multicultural Approach Fifth Edition. Directions required for this paper are as follows: 1. Introduce the paper and give the thesis at the end of the first paragraph. The thesis should be a contentious or controversial claim that involves some analysis from the article. In addition to stating your position on the topic, you should include your reasons, of which should differ from the author’s reasons. If you agree with the author, come up with additional arguments in favor of her conclusion. If you disagree with the author, come up with objections the author does not address(or does not fully address). 2. Critically analyze an argument in the article. For instance, does the author make a mistake? Do the reasons the author gives depend on false evidence? Are there overriding concerns that weigh against the thesis or reasons why? Is the author correct in her findings but has missed an important piece of supporting evidence? 3. Determine your claim and your reasons. Collect this idea in a single sentence or two. 4. Critically analyze the article. Explain the reasons you offered in the thesis, but this time in more detail and offer evidence in support of your reasons, explanations or facts. Make sure to spend the allotted length on your critical analysis such as what is the upshot of your defense or objection? What significance does it hold? Again please note no more that 750 words for this paper.


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