Describe the series of deinstitutionalizations that took place from the early 1950’s through to the 1980’s.
Discuss the impact and results on the homeless population during those different time periods. Do you agree with
the current laws regarding institutional stays for persons suffering from mental illnesses? Are these laws in the
best interest of the homeless population? Explain why or why not.
Can health promotion be effective among homeless persons? Why or Why not? What are the greatest barriers? What can
be done to overcome the barriers? How does poor health in homeless people impact society? Should tax dollars be
spent to provide health insurance and health care to those that are homeless? Why or why not?
How are the needs of homeless youth similar to the needs of other homeless populations? In what ways are they
different? Discuss the relationship between foster care (and aging out of foster care) and becoming homeless.
Discuss which unique issues related to homeless youth are most worrisome and have the greatest potential for
long-term impact?
How are the needs of homeless families similar to the needs of other homeless populations? In what ways are they
different? Discuss the unique issues related to children who are homeless. How does homelessness impact
children’s health, their educational experiences, and their overall development? What special types of programs
and housing are needed for families who are homeless?