) Research Cyclothymic Disorder. Using the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Selecting Effective Teatments: A Comprehensive, Systematic Guide to Treating Mental Disorders (4th ed.) by Seligman & Reichenberg, Modern Psychopathologies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal by Yarhouse, Butman, & McRay, and other relevant resources, discover the following about the diagnosis:
a. Etiology,
b. Symptoms and diagnostic criteria,
c. Common treatment protocols,
d. Differential diagnosis,
e. Developmental issues,
f. Prognosis and prevention.
2) Read. Read the following book:
a. Shorto, R. (1999). Saints and Madmen: Psychiatry opens its doors to religion. NY, NY: Henry Holt and Company. (Note: This book contends with spiritual challenges in diagnosis, bringing to light cultural, institutional and systemic biases which impact the treatment and diagnosis of individuals.)
3) Write a ten page paper:
a. Identify the DSM criteria leading to a diagnosis for Cyclothymic Disorder, etiology, prognosis, prevention, what differentiates this diagnosis from others, and common treatment protocols.
b. Considering the book Saints and Madmen, reflect on the strengths and limitations of the DSM in diagnosing and treating someone who presents with the symptoms of Cyclothymic Disorder.
i. How might having a DSM diagnosis hurt or help your client?
ii. What might be other cultural, social, institutional, systemic and spiritual implications of the diagnosis for you and your client?
iii. How could a diagnostic framework other than the DSM influence treatment, resources, continuum of care, suicide prevention and crisis intervention for your client?
c. Give an in-depth rationale for the case conceptualization, and address developmental concepts, distinguishing between normalcy and psychopathology, cultural limitations of the DSM and treatment plan. Integrate your own Christian perspective of this diagnosis, considering the diagnostic process, treatment (including medications) and prognosis. The DSM and Saints and Madmen are not written from a ?Christian? perspective. Consider how to recognize your own biases, strengths and limitations in diagnosis. Below are some examples with which to begin:
i. Should we conceptualize all diagnoses through a ?sin? framework?
ii. Is all ?abnormal? behavior pathological? What is ?normal??
iii. What cultural and/or theological biases do you have that could enhance or impede your client?s diagnosis and treatment?