Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I Disorder

Paper instructions:

Directions: Provide a detailed and elaborate response to the question below. Your response should include an introduction, conclusion and at least four references. Your answer should be at least four pages in length.

It is easy to complain about a problem, but it is an entirely different matter to propose a better alternative. Complaints about health care policy, insurance, managed care, and medical parity are commonplace. But if you could start from scratch in the development of a third-party reimbursement system for psychotherapy, what would it look like? What restrictions would it carry on covered disorders? Would only certain professionals be eligible for payments? Would there be limits on the length of treatment or on the total number or frequency of sessions? Would only certain kinds of treatment be permitted? How would this insurance compare to other kinds of medical insurance? Would there be any built-in system of accountability? Would scientific studies of psychotherapies constrain care in any way?


Review the Web resources in the lecture notes and analyze the websites that appear there. In a document that is at least one page in length, provide the following information.
1. Describe the site and its purpose.
2. How does it demonstrate credibility?
3. Explain how the information provided on the site may be beneficial to students and professionals.

PART III: Final Project Submission

The final project is composed of a research paper that the student should work on each week and is due with this module’s homework assignments. The purpose of the paper is to provide an opportunity for students to investigate a disorder of interest to them, evaluate treatment strategies, draw conclusions, and provide recommendations. The student will use at least five peer reviewed references and five credible websites to build a paper of at least ten pages using APA guidelines.

For this research paper, the student is to select a disorder from the following: ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Borderline Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder, Substance Abuse Disorder, Substance Dependence Disorder. If you are interested in investigating a disorder not mentioned above, please contact your instructor for approval.

The student’s research paper should address the following information:

I- Introduce the disorder and illustrate how it may manifest in a client’s life.
a. Expand on its relevance historically and in modern society
b. What impact does it have on the individual? Family? Community?
c. In your opinion, is it successfully being addressed in the United States? Why or Why not? Explain and support your position with current literature.
II- Discuss the criteria for diagnosis
a. Discuss the assessment tools commonly utilized in the diagnostic process.
b. What assessment tools would you recommend based on their reliability and validity? Support your position with current literature.
III- Introduce common treatment goals for the disorder.
a. Illustrate the behavioral changes that relate to the treatment goals
b. Explain the potential benefit, achieving treatment goals, may have on the individual, family, community.
IV- Introduce at least three treatment strategies for the disorder.
a. Explain each strategy, its historical foundation and how/if it is utilized in modern therapy.
b. Compare and contrast each of the strategies. Discuss strengths, weaknesses, scientific support and how/if it is widely utilized
c. What strategy or strategies would you recommend based on your findings? Support your position.
d. How can treatment progress be evaluated? What are the most effective tools for evaluation? Support your response
V- Discussion
a. What are current strategies to assist those who suffer from the disorder? Are there prevention strategies available?
b. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach(s)?
c. What recommendations do you have regarding the treatment process for the disorder and its impact on individuals, families, and communities? Support your response
d. What areas of research are warranted regarding treatment for the disorder?
VI- Conclusion
a. Summarize

As part of this project, the student is to create an APA formatted annotated bibliography of Web resources. This annotated bibliography should contain at least twenty-four Web resources related to abnormal psychology. Each entry should include a short summary or description of the website, the purpose, how the site demonstrated credibility, and indicate how the information may be beneficial to students and professionals. Credible academic Web resources other than those provided throughout the course are also acceptable.




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