American lliterature

I. Brief explain the below tops In few sentences.

1. Discuss Haemon’s arguments with Creon opposing Creon’s decision not to bury Polyneices with the proper burial rites.

2. Do some online research and discuss the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks regarding the underworld, Hades, the river Styx and Charon and Cerberus and the Elysian Fields.

3. Discuss Haemon’s arguments with Creon opposing Creon’s decision not to bury Polyneices with the proper burial rites.

1. In trying to reassure Oedipus, what is your opinion as to whether Jocasta knew or didn’t know she has been
married to her son for those many years?

2. Discuss at least three instances of irony, at least one example should focus on Oedipus himself.

3. As the spiritual import of the tragedy emerges, discuss the conclusions and understanding of the
ideas in the final Chorus that ends the tragedy.

1. Discuss the three quatrain set up (seasons of the year, times of day, passages through life) in this sonnet of Shakespeare and how the images mirror the passage of time. (Sonnet: “That Time of Year Thou Mayest in me Behold),”

2. Although written in 1940, is the essence of the poem still valid in our times, and if so, why? (W. H. Auden’s THE UNKNOWN CITIZEN)

3. Love, hate, indifference, regret, nostalgia… What is the tone of the voice in My Papa’s Waltz?  Use “evidence” found in the poem itself to support your ideas. (Theodore Roethke “Papa’s Waltz,”)

II. Write an essay discussing the relationship between Creon and Haemon. Minimum two pages


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