Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Western Imperialism.


Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Western Imperialism.

Outline for the Final Paper: Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Western Imperialism.

Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Western Imperialism.

•    How did decolonization come about?

•    What differences in the timeframe, extent and nature of actual or threatened Western domination were important factors in shaping eventual responses to Western imperialist intrusion in each of the three areas? What similarities in threat or actual domination also existed?

•    What problems, limitations and failures marked early Japanese, Chinese and Indian attempts to respond to Western imperialism (that is, before a final, successful response emerged)?

•    What were the style, ideology and strategy of each area’s successful opposition movement which eventually achieved national independence from Western domination or threat of domination- official government violent/nonviolent? Valuing some aspects of a Western legacy or rejecting Western ideas of society, government and/or economy? How do they compare to each other, with what similarities and differences?

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